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Taking mine design to a new level. Design pit automatically with roads. Evaluate benches or blocks using a block model or layer. Integrate with any other spatial data. Filter data and add themes. Data can be filtered on any parameter. Data can be colored based on any parameter. Just supply panel profile, drive line string and ore body perimeter. Evaluation of multi minerals and density against block model.
Advanced geocoder hosted in Microsoft Excel. Free WordPress theme - ACCESSPRESS LITE. AccessPress Lite is a HTML5 and CSS3 Responsive Free WordPress Business Theme with clean, minimal yet highly professional design. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation .
Advanced Geo spatial extension for SQL Server and Oracle. SpatialBase is the most advanced GeoSpatial Database extension for Microsoft SQL Server. SpatialBase builds on the first ever 3D extension developed for SQL Server and takes it to a new level. 1 OGC Compliant Spatial Database Extension including full 3D with operations.
Survey and modelling in Bentley Microstation. Create grid of results including safety factors. Calculate cut and fill, with intervals as needed. Options to display safety factors. Double Setup, Double Button, Polar. From Millions of points with breaklines. Synchronise with Oracle or Sql Server spatial data. Each layer linking to a separate spatial query. Store your peg register in Oracle or SqlServer.
Enterprise underground and surface survey software. Enterprise survey solution hosted in Microstation. This site describes the mining software offerings of primeThought.
That provides abilities to calculate drive times and distances between points, calculate drive time and distance polygons about points and perform bulk routing exercises.
Everything we do in life concerns knowledge. Some understanding of the subject is required to accomppish anything with it. If we broaden this outlook we see that in essence life is about knowledge! When you know something well you can excel at it. Also you are less likely to become effect of it.
SpatialBase is the most advanced GeoSpatial Database extension for Microsoft SQL Server. SpatialBase builds on the first ever 3D extension developed for SQL Server and takes it to a new level. In addition Spatialbase provides a complete set of Mining Objects, allowing a secure transacted environment for all you mining data. Objects supported include boreholes, ramps, pit designs, Histograms, Variograms and Variogram models.
PrimeThought Software Solutions
Derek Diamond
The Business Centre
377 Rivonia Boulevard
Sandton, Gauteng, 2128
South Africa ZA
PrimeThought Software Solutions
Desiree Diamond
The Business Centre
377 Rivonia Boulevard
Sandton, Gauteng, 2128
South Africa ZA
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Doses of lifes hi and low. Is it just a feeling? Written by prime tian. I feel that i could deal with everyone with ease. I feel that i could balance out everything in life.
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